It is our mission that all information on this website is as accurate and up to date as possible, and that all products promoted cause no harm to our customers or the environment. However, due to the possibility of human and technical error, pH7BOS (PTY) Ltd accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information provided on the website. Neither do we accept responsibility for any adverse reactions that any of our products may cause. While we have taken every reasonable measure to ensure that the products promoted on this website are of the highest quality and safety, the recommendations on this site are not the advice of a medical practitioner. We therefore advise the consultation of a medical practitioner if there is ever any doubt as to the use of the products.

Product Tests and Regulations
Our products are designed to improve people’s lives and health, through assisting in their recovery, in the most subtle, natural way, without using any harmful chemicals with their adverse side effects.

Every formulation has been done with thorough research and care, and our products have been proven to be extremely effective and safe.

All our extracts are pure, natural and have been tested more effective than other similar products on the market. Our products are metal- and chemical- free, and vegan friendly. ph7 products only use ingredients that have been used for medicinal purposes over the centuries, and all our ingredients and dosages is focused on the full recommended daily allowance (RDA) for the purpose they are intended for.

pH7BOS (PTY) Ltd products are all manufactured according to South African Regulations, in compliance with the FDA’s cGMP practices (American Regulations) and are developed in line with the Top International Standards – a D33.7 Western Herbal combination as Scheduled 0 medication

Company Information
This website is run by pH7BOS (PTY) Ltd based in South Africa

pH7BOS (PTY) Ltd Contact Details
Telephone: +27 72 136 4659
Office: +27 61 502 2994
Email us :     


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